How do I create an account ?

  1. Click on Create an account. If you already have an account just log in.
  2. Fill in the boxes with your personal information.
  3. Read the policies, terms and conditions of sale. Check the appropriate boxes to confirm reading and accept the conditions.
  4. Click on Create account.
  5. Your account is now active, but you cannot bid yet. ‘You will receive a confirmation email’
  6. Add your credit card and financial institution.

How to send a bid ?

  1. Log in to your account at the following link: apfte.ex.com/my-account/.
  2. In the home tab, you can find the assets of the current call and those of the previous week.
  3. Click on add an offer.
  4. Enter the amount of your bid.
  5. Click save.
  6. You will see a confirmation window appear.
  7. To return to your account, click on View my account.

Modify a bid

  1. Log in to your account at the following link: apfte.ex.com/my-account/.
  2. In the column my offer, press pencil that is at the end of your offer amount or click on the trash to delete it.
  3. Enter the modified amount.
  4. Click save.
  5. You will see a confirmation window appear.
  6. To return to your account, click on View my account.